Trial month
- per Month
4x / week
- No commitment
- bookable once per person
- Sign up online now!
- per Month
- No commitment
- bookable once per person
- Sign up online now!
- per Month
2x / week
- 6 months commitment: 120€ / month
- Without commitment: 140€ / month
- Debited monthly
- per Month
3x / week
- 6 months commitment: 140€ / month
- Without commitment: 150€ / month
- Debited monthly
- per Month
4x / week
- 6 months commitment: 160€ / month
- Without commitment: 170€ / month
- Debited monthly
- per Month
- 6 months commitment: 180€ / month
- Without commitment: 190€ / month
- Debited monthly
Individual lessons / block cards
- per Hour
Private lesson(s)
- Private lesson: 100€
- Block of 10: 800€
- per block card
Block of 10
- 10 block: 200€
- 25 block: 450€
- Paid online or on site
Drop In
- Single: 25€
- 3 Days: 50€
- Week Pass: 75€
Don’t like online forms? Memberships can also be completed in person or via
Additional session for members ………… € 10,00
Off Peak: Monday to Friday, 07:30 – 15:00 ………… € 100,00